Trichologist Jason Small shows grey hair reversal on his beard hair

Can You Reverse Grey Hair Naturally? Scientists Say Yes

Can Grey Hair Go Back to Its Original Color?

Grey hair is a hot topic in science because it is one of the main visible signs of cell aging. Aging is generally considered a one-way street, but if you can reverse grey hair, can you also reverse the aging process? It’s exciting research. 

As a stylist, I usually engage with my client’s greying process on an emotional rather than a cellular level. But, when I started to go grey, the science of grey hair began to feel very personal. My client Allison Conrad felt the same when she saw her first silver strands. That’s why we founded Arey. Because we wanted to see if there was a natural way to reverse grey hair – a process that is technically called repigmentation.


Why Does Your Hair Go Grey?

Your hair strands are clear straws filled with melanin – the pigment that determines your hair, skin, and eye color. When your melanin production decreases, your hair goes grey, then eventually white. 

Scientists at University College London recently identified the gene that regulates your body’s production and storage of melanin – meet gene IRF4.1 They also found that only about 30% of why your hair goes grey is caused by your genes. An impressive 70% of greying is the result of other factors, like vitamin deficiencies, the environment, and other oxidative stressors like smoking, as well as aging.2


Why Do Some Hairs Go Grey Faster Than Others?

If you’re starting to see your first grey hairs, you’re probably noticing them along your crown, in your beard, or on your temples. You’ve probably heard stories of people going white overnight, but don’t worry, greying is a gradual process. 

Many studies show your cells don’t all age at the same time. Your hair is no exception. Just like some cells show their age earlier than others, your hair goes grey in stages.3 In a Columbia University study, Martin Picard4 a mitochondrial psychobiologist observed, “Maybe the hairs that turn white first are the more vulnerable or least resilient.”

Many of your hairs may be hovering on the threshold of turning grey5  but there’s a lot you can do to take control of the greying process. With a few lifestyle changes, you can make your tresses less vulnerable to going grey:

✅ Stop smoking: smoking weakens your hair on a cellular level and impacts melanin production.6

✅ Avoid sun damage: wear a sunhat or use a natural sunscreen for your hair like Live In Mist to protect your pigment-producing cells from UV rays.

✅ Stress less: stress hormones affect the proteins and other molecules in your hair shaft, causing color changes.7

✅ Feed your follicles: boost your diet with a hair supplement like Not Today, Grey that is rich in vitamins B12, D3, copper, calcium, and iron.8 Without the right amount of these vitamins,9 your hair is more likely to turn grey.10 

Healthy, nourished hair is more resilient and less vulnerable to greying. Even better, scientists have found that grey hair caused by stress can return to its original color. According to Ralf Paus, a dermatologist at the University of Miami, “greying is probably much more reversible than had been thought for a long time.”7



Can Grey Hair Be Reversed?

I started to see greys in my 20s but most people see their first silver strands in their 30s. According to Paus, the period when greying has just begun is probably when the process is most reversible.7

Our research has also shown that Arey grey hair solutions work best when you have around 30% or less grey hair. 

If your hair is more than 30% grey, you may notice an improvement in the health, volume, and thickness of your hair, but repigmentation will be less obvious. Repigmentation is possible if melanocytes (melanin-producing cells) are still present in your hair bulb. If your hair is completely white, your melanocytes are no longer active, and grey hair reversal is no longer possible.



Matt Kaeberlein, a biogerontologist at the University of Washington and editor of the Columbia University study,3 commented, “What was most remarkable was the fact that they were able to show convincingly that, at the individual hair level, greying is actually reversible.”


My Grey Beard Reversal Story

Have you ever looked in the mirror and seen hairs that are half grey and half your natural color? It’s exciting. I know because that’s what happened to me after 8 months of using our supplement Not Today, Grey in combination with our topical serum To The Root.

After we launched Arey with Not Today, Grey we wanted to boost the powerful results we were seeing. That’s why we created our topical serum – To The Root.


Like all our products, To The Root is cruelty-free, vegan, and free from parabens, phthalates, formaldehyde, and gluten. To The Root is non-greasy, fragrance-free, and lightweight so it is safe to use on your scalp and your face. It contains a powerful cocktail of clinically effective ingredients (our unique Mela-9™ complex) designed to slow and even reverse grey hair. 


At Arey, We Believe in a Proactive Approach to Grey Hair 

The science is strong on this and we agree – the sooner you start addressing your grey hair, the better your results will be. Being proactive about your greys is a gift to your future self. With consistent use of Arey’s The System, you can expect to: 

✅ Slow and even reverse your grey hair

✅ Grow thicker, fuller, healthier hair

✅ Fuel melanin production with targeted vitamins and minerals

Your head and beard hair growth cycle takes around 1-3 months, so it can be a while before you see results. We want you to reach your hair goals so we always offer up to 25% off on all subscription orders. We believe that science + consistency = results.

Have questions? Reach out to us at or checkout our FAQ page.

Jay Small with customer

AuthorJay SmallJay Small is a sought-after hair stylist and Trichologist in Los Angeles with over 22 years of experience. His clients consist of high-profile business and creative leaders. He trained as an apprentice to the owner of Paul Mitchell and worked in education and product development for Paul Mitchell Systems. Jay is incredibly passionate about the creative process both in terms of styling hair and developing effective products.


  1. First gene for grey hair found | UCL News - UCL – University College London 
  2. A genome-wide association scan 
  3. Mitochondrial Psychobiology: Foundations and Applications - PMC 
  4. Martin Picard,Martin Picard, PhD | Columbia Neurology 
  5. Quantitative mapping of human hair greying and reversal
  6. Does smoking cause hair loss and/or premature hair graying?
  8. Epidemiological and investigative study of premature graying
  9. Relationship between Trace Elements and Premature Hair Graying  
  10. Premature Graying of Hair: Review with Updates - PMC 
