What is hair color?
Hair Color is made of Melanin. Melanocytes cluster in the center of the hair strand giving us hair color. A big reason for a change in hair texture when hair turns grey is the lack of structure from the absence of melanin. Melanin is produced by pigment cells, which are created in the hair follicle. The base of the hair follicle is surrounded by the hair matrix, this matrix is where color and hair cells form. Melanin is either made of Eumelanin, Pheomelanin or a unique formula of both. Eumelanin is Darker (brown / black), Pheomelanin is Lighter (orange / red), Eumelanin is not only darker, but typically a larger hair strand.
Ideal range for delaying grey growth and possible repigmentation of new hair growth

Results may vary. Repigmentation is only possible on hairs that still have melanin in the root. Even though
repigmentation is less possible when you have more than 30% grey, preservation is. The ingredients in Arey
products can help with preserving remaining pigment, and improve common characteristics of aging hair, such as
coarseness and dryness.